
Monday, October 29, 2018

WORK Data 340 - Nature's systems Parliament tobacco ... molecule government ...nicotine neurons, acetylcholine, Max Born and Borneo


explains  key word concepts --> 

Data 340 -

Parliment tobacco neurons and Borneo

code words --> Parliament    and Mossack --> Parliament MOS

The usage of nicotine molecules and their THOUGHTS
from the EXTERNAL WORLD  of  cigarette tobacco   ....... to build an INTERNAL molecular Parliament inside the human brain ..
with bio-MOS language/linguistic  circuits.

Code name --> Osborne

--> Os  + borne   (version 1) and
--> Os  + bourne  (version2) --->

IBM  system 370  with  OS /JCL (Operating System )
 with human LU (Logical Unit) named --> Ludlum

The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum - Wikipedia

The Bourne Ultimatum is the third Jason Bourne novel written by Robert Ludlum and a sequel to The Bourne Supremacy (1986). First published in 1990, it was ...

The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) - IMDb
Rating: 8.1/10 - ‎524,191 votes

Action · Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.

--> Os  + borne   (version 1) and

--> Os  + borne   (version 1)
 .... Organic (molecule) ... (expression) Systems

with Max Born neo-cortex 

Max Born neo-cortex ...... code words ...
.........Borneo  ........  source of molecule evolution 

Borneo Orangutan Sanctuary Volunteering Project | The Great Projects
Volunteer with Orangutans on this award-winning Orangutan project at Matang Wildlife Centre in beautiful Borneo. ... This project, which was our flagship project is now a multi-award-winning orangutan volunteer project based at Matang Wildlife Centre. ... This allows the Sarawak Forestry .



Borneo Orangutan Sanctuary 

Molecular INTELLECTUAL  forces and the Grand Unified Theory - The Particle Adventure
Physicists hope that a Grand Unified Theory will unify the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. There have been several proposed Unified Theories, ...

the Sarawak Forestry .
the Sarawak Forestry .
the Sarawak Forestry . --> Sar --> Sarek code ---> 

Sarek - Wikipedia
Sarek /ˈsærɛk/ is a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. He is a Vulcan astrophysicist, the Vulcan ambassador to the United Federation of Planets, and father of Spock.

the Sarawak Forestry .

the Sarawak Forestry .

the Sara --> Saravejo and the Orangutan wars 1914 to 1918 

Sarajevo, June 28, 1914
Sarajevo, June 28, 1914. The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. by Micheal Shackelford. Note on Slavic spelling: Due to the current limitations of ...

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -
The archduke traveled to Sarajevo in June 1914 to inspect the imperial armed forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, former Ottoman territories in the turbulent ...

the Sarawak Forestry .
the Sarawak Forestry .
the Sara --> Sarasota High School .....   years 1957 to 1960 ......
.then Florida State University in Tallahassee

END of explanation


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