
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Z50 Blogger List of Posts ... Erza Pound and Keats year 1818

 Z50 Blogger List of Posts 

... Erza Pound poetry equation 1958 po + o + etry --> podiatry/walking ... order  entry,

electron volt ....  shoe pounding on OC = Organic Chemistry carbon 12.....molecule scheduled message day
of OC = OCTOBER 12,1960 

poet John Keats  walking/ his shoes pounding the earth land  in the Lake District
year 1818 with 18 atomic vertical columns
to H2O = 18 religious  mass of water THOUGHT molecules
and the 

communication echo LINK of

H2O --> O --> BIG O geography/geological floor in

--> Lake Okeechobee signaling processing

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